Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation
- Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation Model
- Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation 10
- Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation 7
- Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation 2017
If the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause is specified, and a row is to be inserted that would result in a duplicate value in a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index, MemSQL will instead perform an UPDATE of the old row.
- Text Mechanic™ – Text Manipulation Tools. Welcome to TextMechanic.com! Simple, single task, browser based, text manipulation tools.
- SQL PRIMARY KEY Constraint. The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a table. Primary keys must contain UNIQUE values, and cannot contain NULL values. A table can have only ONE primary key; and in the table, this primary key can consist of single or multiple columns (fields).
- Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use SQLite PRIMARY KEY constraint to define a primary key for a table. Introduction to SQLite primary key. A primary key is a column or group of columns used to identify the uniqueness of rows in a table. Each table has one and only one primary key.
- If this was Oracle or Postgresql, of course we would use sequences, but that isn't available in MySQL. Personally, I would not go to Rome to order the sushi. However, there is the function uuid.
- Sep 19, 2013 In this post, we demonstrate a couple of different ways to set the primary key in MS Access. A Primary Key is defined as “a unique key that can uniquely identify each row in a table”. The actual Key itself can be an auto-generated ID number, a known unique number (such as a social security number) or even a text field.
You can use string functions on nearly every object in Multidimensional Expressions (MDX). In stored procedures, you use string functions primarily to convert the object to a string representation. You also use string functions to evaluate a string expression over an object in order to return a value.
The most widely used string functions are Name and Uniquename. Respectively, these functions return the name and unique name of an object. Mostly, they are used when debugging calculations to discover what member a function is returning.
The following example queries show how to use these functions:
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//Returns the name of the current Product on rows
MEMBER [Measures].[ProductName] AS [Product].[Product].CurrentMember.Name
//Returns the uniquename of the current Product on rows
MEMBER [Measures].[ProductUniqueName] AS [Product].[Product].CurrentMember.Uniquename
//Returns the name of the Product dimension
MEMBER [Measures].[ProductDimensionName] AS [Product].Name
SELECT {[Measures].[ProductName],[Measures].[ProductUniqueName],[Measures].[ProductDimensionName]}
[Product].[Product].MEMBERS ON ROWS
FROM [Adventure Works]
Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation Model
The Generate function can be used to execute a string function on every member of a set and concatenate the results. This also can be useful when debugging calculations as it allows you to visualize the contents of a set. The following example shows how to use it in this way:
Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation 10
Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation 7
//Returns the names of the current Product and its ancestors up to the All Member
MEMBER [Measures].[AncestorNames] AS
ASCENDANTS([Product].[Product Categories].CurrentMember)
, [Product].[Product Categories].CurrentMember.Name, ', ')
[Product].[Product Categories].MEMBERS ON ROWS
FROM [Adventure Works]
Another group of widely used string functions are those that enable you to cast a string containing the uniquename of an object or an expression which resolves to the object into the object itself. The following example query demonstrates how the StrToMember and StrToSet functions do this:
{StrToMember('[Measures].[Inter' + 'net Sales Amount]')}
[Product].[Product Categories].[Category].&[3],
[Product].[Product Categories].[Product].&[477],
[Product].[Product Categories].[Product].&[788],
[Product].[Product Categories].[Product].&[708],
[Product].[Product Categories].[Product].&[711]
Eclipse c for mac download. ON ROWS
FROM [Adventure Works]
The StrToMember and StrToSet functions should be used with caution. They can lead to poor query performance if they are used within calculation definitions.
See Also
Text Manipulation Procedures For Primary Key Generation 2017
Generate (MDX)
Name (MDX)
UniqueName (MDX)
Functions (MDX Syntax)
Using Stored Procedures (MDX)
StrToMember (MDX)
StrToSet (MDX)