
Https Help.github.com Articles Generating-an-ssh-key

Https Help.github.com Articles Generating-an-ssh-key Average ratng: 8,7/10 6673 reviews
  1. Github Generate Ssh Key Windows
  2. Generating An Ssh Key Github

How to git? (simplified manual)

  • Get a github account.
  • The best practice (for github) is to set up an SSH-key: https://github.com/settings/keys(read https://help.github.com/articles/generating-an-ssh-key/ for instructions)
  • Clone a repo:git clone git@github.com:antonleykin/M2.git
  • One directory of interest:cd M2/M2/Macaulay2/packages
  • Switch to your branch (if necessary; by default YOURBRANCH=master):git checkout YOURBRANCH
  • Pull in the updates from repo:git pull(do this often; pull right before a commit -- that will save you a lot of trouble)
  • Commit your local edits:git commit -am 'message for the log'(this submits your updates to all files that are tracked by the repo; if you need the repo to track an additional file use git add FILENAME before committing)
  • Push the local commits:git push
  • At any time see the status (in particular, it tells you which branch you are on):git status
  • Graphical tool:gitk (for Linux)
  • Conflict resolution: try to avoid, but.
  • the most typical conflict occurs when two people commit changes to the same part of a file: see (merge)[https://help.github.com/articles/resolving-a-merge-conflict-from-the-command-line/] conflicts resolution.
  • git stash and git stash apply could be used to 'hide' and then reapply your uncommitted changes: that helps in a scenario when git pull complains that you made changes (most likely to a different part) of the file that somebody else changed.

Other notes:

  • Add the line

path = {'<directory where M2 repo is>/M2/M2/Macaulay2/packages/'} path

https://disakaiserha.weebly.com/home/wii-u-pro-controller-driver. to init.m2

  • To check integrity of all packages
    make -k install checkin the packages directory.

Basically ssh-vault delegates the pre-sharing phase of the keys to the version control system, at the end if user A wants so send something to user B and both use the Github for example, it is straight forward to just send a secure “secret” without need to pre-handshake: echo 'secret' ssh-vault -u alice create Tweet Share. Please note that students who join our free Coding Bootcamp Prep course after September 4th, 2018, will not have to worry about GitHub.com. We will teach you more about the platform and its usability as you join us in our paid programs. /monster-hunter-generations-key-quest-guide.html.


  • WSet: witness sets in NumericalAG
  • SLPexpressions: straight line programs
  • NAG: a stable version of NumericalAlgebraicGeometry


  • egb: Equivariant Groebner bases, migrated to (https://github.com/kroner/M2/tree/egb)
  • Bertini: Bertini interface project, migrated to (https://github.com/BertiniM2/M2)

Github Generate Ssh Key Windows

  1. Please note that students who join our free Coding Bootcamp Prep course after September 4th, 2018, will not have to worry about GitHub.com. We will teach you more about the platform and its usability as you join us in our paid programs.
  2. 配置了很多次还是记不住,自己写一遍希望以后不用在查了^^^^^。配置下自己的信息1)查询当前信息:git config -list2)配置信息git config -global user.nam.

Generating An Ssh Key Github

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